thats my best friend Bella. she woos even the grumpiest old glout. (glout is my own word invention, te gusta?) i just though you might like to meet her.
well my dear friend machu inspired me to revamp my old blog that i never really used. we'll see how it goes. ive had blogs before but after awhile i got to busy and bored with them. so here i am now...and it intrigues me that u care about my life enough to even glance at this silly lil thing.
lets see.
i start my final semester of community college on monday. my classes shouldnt be as stressful as in the past. lets see...math for elementary school teacher, art, literature, child psycology, and an earth science class online.
i work for apple computers. (i know, im awesome) and i get a new macbook tomorrow! woot! im excited cause im on this ol powerbook G4 and all the other people who work my job already got the last one for some odd reason. so that will be fun, transferring files...playing with the built in camera and such...
i also work as a receptionist on fridays for an executive office building. the girl who works M-TH got fired so im trying to get my dear friend annie the job. she'd be really good at it.
today i went to Henrys with my mommy and can we discuss how disgusting the meat counter is. i had to grossed me out. come on people, do u realize what ur eating?! disgusting.
im listening to Owen, which i havent in awhile...i forgot how much i loved him. actually, i listened to him so much that i had to take a break...its been like a year. one time i got to see him play before Me Without You...and i got to talk to him, hes real pretty.
im kinda lonely.
all my friends are off and away being busy.
ill be to busy for life starting monday tho, but until then im all alone. sad face.
i wanna go to disneyland. i got a pass for christmas, but no one will go with me. my life sucks.
all my love.
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