Thursday, February 15, 2007

valentines day

wasnt today, but it was yesterday. i thought i would tell u about mine.

well i made an amazing dinner of pasta and chicken and salad, and those amazing cookies u cut the dough and cook them for dessert. boy cameover and brought me roses! and we ate in the nice dining room with the roses gleaming from the center of the table. then we ate cookies and drank wine and watched Garden State and cuddled on the couch with Bella of course. then he kissed me and told me he loved me and went home a little early cause we both had work this morning. perfect!!!

ok fine, none of that actually happened...BUT i decided that it would have been the perfect valentines day if there was an actual boy who was as lovely as he is expected to be. how low maintenance am i?! i am awesome. and cause then the present from me is dinner and the present from him is roses and we dont have to be poor or disappointed! *sigh* maybe next year.

but actually, i wasnt sad at all and im not now either. i really was fine, and all these cute people had flowers and balloons and i just liked it and thought it was so sweet. i love love. its just a testament to how God has worked in my life to the point that i dont feel like a need any quite fine with being single for now (most days;) and ive grown sooo much from these few years of just me and God. He's raised the standard tho, so the boy for me has a lot to live up to.

on that note. im about 85% sure that a lovely boy likes me. theirs so much involved tho to why i dont think it will work...but i just really like spending time with him...he makes me feel good about myself (in a healthy way, not in an unhealthy way)...and treats me like a lady...and makes me laugh...and good conversation...and either way, its just nice to have a new guy friend who enjoys to do things my current friends dont...
if nothing else, its another example of attributes i know exist in men in the world. all is not lost!

i think my boss is having an affair with the girl who works for his company and kinda works with me. it makes me nervous and gets on my nerves. basically my nerves are shot. haha, but only when i think about it or when they act weird...otherwise i just enjoy my time at work away from school...and all i have to do is make copies and pay bills for a lovely 12$ an hour.

i got monday off work!!! but NO ONE is home this weekend.

maybe the boy...

ill keep u updated.
cause i know u care if uve read this far;)


1 comment:

Kelsey said...

ya cant do that to me eff!!! I totally fell for it!