hi friends!
if you're reading this u probably already know my exciting news!
im pregnant!
haha, if ur my friend u also already know i just lied.
actually, i am no longer a student at community college! i have an associates degree in something random like "university studies" and i am offically a cal state san marcos student! i will be in the fun liberal studies program entering as a junior, and then i graduate with my BA in 2009. then the credential program for a year after that...bleh. but im excited to have change, and everyone i talks to looooves san marocs. new friends! people with similar interests! maybe ill meet an eligable bachelor finally, jeez.
im fricken excited. annnn my boss just told me i get monday off as a paid holiday!!! r u freaking kidding me God! You love me so much!
so in celebration, and because im not doing anything here at work except reading Velvet Elvis, heres a survey! i got it from a friend, and its pretty cute.
-If I were a doll, the accessories packaged with me would be:
macbook complete with hot pink cover. polka dot scarf. ipod. optional glasses. hemp messenger bag. organic kinda vegan cookbook. bible.
I have an irrational fear of:
it used to be business parks, but im cool with that one now...in fact im currently in one. other then that, i dont really have any irrational fears...except sometimes im claustrophobic, which is totally legit! i could suffocate!
-What type of food do you eat at your grandparents house?
my grandparents are all dead, thanks for reminding me. but grandma used to make AMAZING food...especially yorkshire pudding, any dessert in the world like her oatmeal cookies or shortbreak cookies. man i miss those
-What weight were you when you were born?
normal i think
-What would you do if you were stranded on an island with the person you hate most?
i dont hate anyone. certain people annoy me more then others tho. im sure we'd make camp on the beach and shed be abducted and id have to go in after her and find an entire civilization of people with secret hatches and weird communities doing experiments and being aggressive. id try and rescue the person and end up getting stuck in a cage that was meant for a polar bear (why are there polar bears on the island?! u ask?! i dont know either!) and get shot at trying to escape. eventually we both make it back to our beach, but the other people keep trying to attack us. the end
-I am opposed to:
people being mean. people who have to much money and other people who dont have any food or clothes. large cooperations taking over the world and leaving everyone else in the dust.
-What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on?
it depends entirely on the situation and person. hopefully i would have chosen well and my husband/boyfriend is worth working with. it depends what type of cheating it was. wed probably had been in need of counseling and Jesus for a long time up until he cheated. see how it depends.
-Do you stalk anyone on myspace?
obviously! but its because its old friends and i care about them and miss them and wanna know about their life!
-I am too old to be:
living at home
-I find the thought of childbirth:
kinda intense, but im so excited for when that day comes
-Next door to my house is:
one house with lesbians and they have parties all the time and are loud and sound like hillbillys. the other side is a family with one little girl, and the dad has a room entirely for his collection of dungeons and dragons stuff. seriously.
-My preferred style of jeans is:
z cavaricci :cause theyre the onle ones ive found that kinda fit ok
-I know how to cook:
stir fry. pasta. chicken. rice. mashed potatoes.
-I am annoyed at:
my art teacher for giving me a B on a project i worked my ass off on, and a B- in the class. who gets almost a C in fricken ART. ass.
-Men should always:
protect their loved ones. whether thats financially, or physically, or verbally.
-Women should never:
feel insecure and take it out on those around them. Jesus thinks you're perfect,
believe it.-What is the worst way you were dumped?
uh, ive only been offically dumped once and wed only been kinda together for 2 weeks and it was lame and years ago. it sucked cause wed only been together a short time but id fallen for him, and cause he wouldnt tell me why...im pretty sure its cause he liked another girl already...oh yeah and cause he was pretty much 12.
What do you think is the worst way to be dumped?
hmm...just disappearing and not return calls or anything. hopefully i wont pick a guy who does that tho. learned my lesson from the one who moved away, fricker
What child-related smell do you not like?
baby throw up...basically milk and stomach acid...awesome. its sick and fun when its all over u
What sea creature scares you?
those fish who climb into ur vajayjay and clamp on and make u sick. parasite type of thing. basically someone has to go in there and pull it out...fun huh.
What color hair do most of the people you are around have?
hi i live in socal. BLONDE
What object have you broken most recently?
i dont understand. how can u break something more then once? once its broken its broken right?
Name one of the Spice Girls?
are u kidding! scary, sporty, baby, posh, ginger?
What was the last thing to make you cry?
failing my math test. but who cares cause he gave me a C!!!
I would like to be in an advertisement for:
H&M. im pretty cute, i could do it.
What are the stems of wine glasses for?
so the wine doesnt get hot and gross. so u can easily swish and smell
My favorite shoes are:
my rainbows. but also my heels...theyre real cute and comfortable. I WANT FLATS THAT ARENT 50$. then my shoe collection would be complete
My mothers' greatest fear:
probably something happening to me and/or brother
Can you use chopsticks?
yeah, but i like spoons.
Do you prefer beaches or mountains?
i havent been to the mountains before actually. so the beach! which i like anyway so ha
Mornings or evenings?
EVENINGS. i am NOT a morning person. i like the night life, i like to boogie
Sunshine or rain?
i loooove the rain. but i get depressed and sleepy, so it needs a good balance of sunshine.