Monday, May 28, 2007

lets have some fun

ok so now that ive been re exposed to actual FUN bar life...not crowded and awkward and drunk annoying people, but FUN...all i wanna do is go out all the time. everything seems boring in comparison. arg. and im reminded why i had to limit myself before, cause u end up just waiting for the next fun thing, instead of living everyday in a child like wonder for Jesus. its important to have a balance tho...i guess ones early 20s are all about finding that balance.

its been the best way to celebrate being done with school tho, exactly what i needed. especially before going to india where i wont drink or do anything relaxing and fun for almost 2 months. actually, no one im going with has the same sense of humor or liberalism about them as me...this could be rough. BUT im still excited to go, after that i dont know what im gonna do to switch things up during the school years i have gonna be bored. or just cranky from working and schooling all the time and living in place wheres theirs nothing to do.

today i felt like shit the entire day. my tummy is sooooo angry, and my allergies are either giving me a sore throat or im getting a cold...either way it sucks. so ive slept and rested a lot today...and im boooorrreedddd. especially after such fun days with olivia and friends. its soooo nice having her home, i love our talks...its so nice to have someone on the same page as me on a lot of issues...and has TIME to play! i love it. i feel bad for her and fiance tho, its gonna be a long summer for them so far away from eachother.

i dont think i got very good grades this semester, which SUCKS cause ive been working my ass off! and i thought it was going to be an easier semester!
heres my guesses:
literature: C
math: C
Art: B
Psycology: A
science: B

i was hoping to get an A in science and keep my GPA up, but they already posted the grade in science, it was so easy! i suck at school, i shouldnt go anymore.

i miss vpdq. i was thinking about how much fun i used to have. i dont have as much fun now, im always working or in class or doing homework. when i get home, itll be nice to not have to worry about saving for a missions trip...i dont think people realize how stressful it is to technically not have money all the ur bank account says u do, but u have to save it for a plane ticket or outreach fees or sucks.

i just wanna have fun. i guess im finding i have to make fun happen wherever i am...but how can homework be fun? or maybe u just have to do shitty stuff so u can do fun stuff...yeah that sounds about right. work hard play hard crap.

ive noticed that parents are more protective over girls then they are about REALLY annoys me...i mean, giving advice is great...but telling them what to do and then letting the boys do whatever...its weird how that works.

i need to meet a nice boy, im kinda over being single...where do u meet quality guys? NOT at the bar...probably at 20 somethings

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