Thursday, June 07, 2007


i got to meet aaron. hes just as lovely in person.

remember after rent when i was sad cause i felt like id bonded with the characters/actors and that we'd become friends and suddenly were being ripped apart? well i feel like that again today, only worse.

being around pretty sweet indie people made me miss my friends too. vpdq, you are missed. i found myself unconciously looking for you at the show and remembering when i went to see Umbrellas with u all there 2 years ago. come home.

so i decided im going to take Miss Penny Lanes advice:
"I always tell the girls, never take it seriously
if you never take it seriosuly, you never get hurt
you never get hurt, you always have fun
and if you ever get lonely,
just go to the record store and visit your friends."

i miss my friends.

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