i come in the doors today and see a sign that they are showing my favorite movie ONCE on wednesday for free in the little theatre they have here. i mean come on, it was icing on the cake.
and since then ive found 3 CDs to listen to, 3 books to take home, and 2 audiobooks im really excited about.
ok ok, i know im a nerd. but at least im smart;)
so bestie came to visit this weekend! it was mostly a gift for her mom for mothers day that she came down, so i only got to spend a little time with her...but it was soooo lovely. it just feels like home when im with her. like we havent even been a part! except that little part of me that just wants to hug her a long long time. we got big diet cokes and sat and caught up for a few hours...it was so so nice. then we watched the finale of survivor with her rents...ive only seen one episode with Tamara a long time ago but it was still pretty nerve wracking to watch the end of such an intense show.
also yesterday little Lukey got dedicated to Jesus! i had to work so i missed it, but it was recorded so im going to watch it one of these days. then we had them over and cassie and Nicodemus too! it was so fun...then cassie made me go to the mall with her (even tho i was so so tired after work) because she wanted to look for a sun dress. she didnt even buy anything! but i got a really cute new shirt:) so at least that was good.
today i slept in and then did all those little things i havent had time to do in forever. like getting registered for school, figuring out my financial aid stuff...which i didnt really figure out actually, running a few errands and ended up here returning my books and getting new ones. i just have one paper left to do, its not due until Wednesday though so im going to work on it then. I would have liked to have gotten it done before hand but ive just had too much to do. i hate having it hanging over my head...like im not quite done with school but it feels like it.
i just finished the Klimt book and now ive stocked up on 3 more historical fiction novels about artists...Mozart and Leonardo Da Vinci...oh and one about Marie Anntoinette so i guess that doesnt count. i love reading.
so i realized a problem with my previous blog about the men i want to marry. well number uno, Russell from Almost Famous doesnt exist. and Sam Beam from Iron & Wine is married with children and lives in Georgia. and josh T and zach galifinaukous both dont know i exist, so that could prove to be a problem.
ok im going to go check out and get home for dinner...im hungry.
you should know im currently listening to the Labyrinth soundtrack. even though that movie still scares me to death. but david bowie is starting to change my life so i thought id give it another try. i just cant get past his pants in the movie, or should i say tights. and the puppets and the entire plot scares me so much i cant even handle it.
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