Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Bella story #5007
done this for a long time and just recently realized she's a dog and
has no idea what I'm doing. But I do it anyway. Mostly because she is
the best.
Friday, June 12, 2009
so NOT in the mood for this crap
1) stayed up way to late last night watching Harry Potter 5 with brother. its just a really good movie guys. but unfortunately, now im super tired and irritable.
2) woke up at the crack and am not only having a bad hair day, but my face suddenly broke out, I have one of those giant chest zits which none of my shirts will cover up, and none of my appropriate clothes are clean or dry or wrinkle free. off to a great start.
3) after pulling it together I finally make it to work and am settling in trying to get some homework and studying done but the calls for the lawyers I answer for (among other people) are RINGING OFF THE HOOK. Not only ringing non stop, but EVERYONE is SO rude and bitching at me if I transfer them to someone who doesnt answer. Um hello, its not my fault. What do you want me to do about it-leave them a message and leave me alone! I should have counted how many rude people there were, normally its pretty bad-but today there was record amounts.
4) and then to top it all off, the postage machine broke. It says it needs new ink, so when i put some in I found on the supply shelf it still doesnt work. I fuss with it for an hour, talk to Annie, go on their website, call the support people. Seriously, this is what i dealt with ALL morning. We have mail that needs to go out, so im all stressed out. Then I had to figure out how to order more ink, that was a whole other fun adventure. Finally, $200 later, we have more ink coming next week.
5) besides all of that, its just a busy day in the office in general. phones keep ringing, lots of meetings with clients coming in, faxes like crazy, all these packages keep coming. SO crazy. I finally finished my homework, but still have all this studying to do for the RICA TOMORROW!!! So much for a relaxing day at the office studying.
some lovely things that happened though are
1) the cute kid whose visiting his grandpa who works here. He was just in the bathroom with grandma and after I heard the toilet flush he shouts "good bye poo poos!" it was hilarious! and then he went skipping through the halls and grandma whispered "now how did Grandma say to walk here? very businesslike, right!" so stinkin cute.
2) some lady who hardly ever works here had her super cute assistant in and out. we became friends, he was very pretty. not my type, but pretty. and despite my ugly day, I think he may have been flirting with me.
3) I remembered my pink crazy straw so every time I drink my water I'm SO happy!
4) I brought Lord of the Rings to start reading today. So as soon as Im done studying for the RICA some more, im in it to win it!
5) I brought yummy jasmine tea and cashews today. they're making me happy.
so thats it so far. i hope it calms down now that its officially Friday afternoon.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
This is my Life!!!

1) baby on my lap? check.
2) baby having fun with a crazy straw on my lap? check.
3) little white fluffy dog on my lap? check.
4) still engaged in the conversation with everyone all at the same time? check.
this is forever me. a bunch of kids, fun, and dogs all at the same time. i love it!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Oh awesome
I don't know how I got it. Yes, I am a very clean person...who happens
to wear contacts, have dogs, and have seasonal allergies.
Here goes another $20 for all new eye makeup. Dang, being infected is
In other news: girls vegas weekend is happening!!! Were more excited
than should be allowed. Partly because um, hello it's vegas. Party
because we have a sweet rental car a fancy hotel and are bringing our
best dress up "going-to-town" clothes, but mostly because we have so
much fun all together and it hardly ever happens and we just love each
other so much!
Except we all will be missing Cassie too much and it just might ruin
the trip:(
I started summer school today. It's going to be a lot of work but I
think it will be one of my more interesting classes. It's about
analyzing advertisments and popular culture and finding which groups
are superior and which are being stereotyped. We only meet on Tuesdays
which is nice and then have a ton of online work for the rest of the
week, so that's sweet. Except, my group members and the entire class
actually are all very...well...strange. And I'll just say it, not
sweet. But I do have one of my good friends from school in the class
with me so hopefully that will make it a little more bareable.
I watched one of my all time favorite films tonight, Empire Records.
It's just so bittersweet to watch because it just makes me miss Cassie.
I've been feeling reallllllly tired lately. Like today, I came home
and napped as usual. Typically I sleep for less than an hour. Not
today, today I managed 3 hours andam about to go to bed now again!
I've been feeling kinda lethargic, extra cynical, and even a little
tummy sick too. So weird. But tomorrow I'm taking my infected eyes out
around the burbs for some shopping! Besides replacing all my eye
makeup, I have birthday gifts to buy! I wish I was as excited about
those things as the exclamation points appear to be. Sadly, eeyore is
still in town:(