Jump on my Fred Flare wagon!

For when you need to escape.

For when you can't afford the Madewell version.

For when you want to look like you care but REALLY your pretty much in pajamas.

For when you don't care but want people to grab your ass.
There's always Ikea.

For when you want to pretend your bathroom isn't ugly.

And you need somewhere to store your junk.

Or a place to store your secret things.
More Blogs to Bookmark ASAP.
Design Love Fest: This girl is too cute. LA+beauty everyday. Shes a blogger inspiration.
PS I Made This: Every week or so this NYC lady puts up amazing easy projects inspired by today's fashion without the high fashion prices. LOVE it.
Mr. Newton: More inspiring NYC street style I cant seem to get enough of.
Who Is Bobb Parris: Even MORE street style, based out of London.
The Snail and the Cyclops: Pretty vintage inspired blog. She even has a store with cute finds.
I have even MORE (I know, how do I even keep up?) but I will keep saving them. I need to update my side panel now don't I.
I have had this lady on here before as a "currently listening", but I think she needs her own space. I have been quite the Florence fan for the last year or so, and never have I loved her empowering songs more then I do now as I kick boys to the curb. However, she's really difficult to sing along with...Im just saying. Her voice is crazy good.
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