got my graduation from comm college info yesterday. ill be done forever there on may 25th!!! im so excited! then just 2 more years and im totally done...kinda...
LA was such fun! it had some moments where i wished i was home, but most of the moments i was glad to be out of sd and with micah ficah having adventures. we stayed with her friend jaime, and it was nice to be with a boy for once. i miss members of the male species. just as normal friends and stuff. arg. ill try and post pics soon...
easter is tomorrow and its my favorite holiday. to bad parents are in europe and im all alone. haha not really. me and annie are going to make a big easter dinner and go to the amazing night service at calvary and be fun. its an open invite too, so maybe other people will end up coming too!
my outreach stuff for the summer is kinda coming together. im frustrated cause i feel like nobody wants me to everyones all cranky about it...and i am to so i need encouragement, not discouragement...ya know? the outreach isnt really anything that God spoke to me about doing for the nothing at all actually. but its still coming together so we'll see what happens. i hate how YWAM does everything at the last minute, its so frustrating. if nothing else, id like to go to bangalore again and see the LMC there...i love it there and i miss everyone so much.
i went to maldys bday part last saturday night (week ago) and it was the best night of my life. i saw allll the vpdq people i love and felt loved back cause sometimes i think they're all so self centered and insecure that they cant feel affection for anyone...but i was wrong kinda. and i had lots of dietcoke and vanilla vodka so i was happy happy too. i smoked to many capris tho, and i decided that im over smoking forever and im not even going to keep any on me for when i drink...cause thats really the only time i smoke. its just so bad for u...esp when i make so many other organic and healthy type choices...its just silly.
having annie here is fun, im going to miss her a lot when my parents come home and she goes back to middle-of-nowhere clairemont.
nice to have kelsey home too...but shes real sick which is sad. shes been sick soooo long is awful.
my diet is going well and its not to difficult. i like it.
kelseys going home and cassie is back in school
school starts monday and work and im over it. i just have to much going on, i dont know how ive done it for so long.
its all cloudy out so no getting a tan yesterday or today
lolas been pooping and peeing inside everyday all over the house, ive been so frustrated. but shes doing better today! its 530pm and so far nothing inside! yay!
i have this f-ing essay to write and id rather die!!!
ok, here i go again on my own...
come to my easter dinner! so fun! u can come to church if u want to also, but u dont want too.
email/call me for more info.
all my love dear ones.
heres a picture of me and micah in the disneyland hotel bathroom.

sometimes u wish u were our friend huh
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