this. real bad. but its to much money when babies are starving. so we'll just look at it awhile.
today i half day off cause i only had class at night, but i ended up having to write a paper, then lit homework, plus the class. it sucked. i still have more psyc tomorrow.
i failed my math test, and i very well may fail the class unless the teacher has mercy on me and i kick for this last unit on statistics and the final.
me and lola are watching LOST now, i miss annie.
a lot of things are happening in my life. im graduating with my AA this May, going to India for like 3 months, and starting a new school in the fall.
im crazy.
ooo juliets taking sun into the weird hospital thingie...this show kicks...im nervous tho...wheres annie...creept blinking neon lights...i never know if juliets lying or not...
ok, thats all for today.
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