today i had the first day of most of my classes. i forgot how horribly boring school is and i truly dont know what to do because im already bored with doodling...someone give me ideas so i dont daydream and want to kill myself.
my schools really nice! its all really new and fancy and clean and nice.
start my new job tomorrow! woot!
stressed about everything happening this week and my financial issues and planning parties and attending parties and new job and new school and EVERYTHING happening at once...didnt sleep hardly at all last night, have been having intense tummy and heartburn issues cause of stress i think, i keep having to ask God to help me calm down and to trust Him with everything Hes given me...i need to remember He never gives more then i can handle...but i have to call on Him! i need to do that!
ok friends, wish me luck on this crazy week.
if ur lucky, ill post pictures!
i stole this from micah who NEVER does surveys, i thought it was a momentous occasion
1. Who was your best friend?
cassie, she even gave me hand foot and mouth disease from her house.
2. What sports did you play?
i did marathon training, but only made it up to the half last place. i rule.
3. What kind of car did you drive?
same one as now. good old viagra. (acura vigor 94)
4. On a Friday night what were you doing?
having BBQ's, going to see Noise Ratchet or As I Lay Dying shows, watching movies, doing nothing with that stupid boyfriend, watching Degrassi with what else is new?
5. Were you a party animal?
no, that happened after high school. and even then, i wasnt so crazy...just happy.
6. Were you considered a flirt?
no, i was busy doing nothing with stupid boyfriend
7. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir?
9th grade i was in handbells. i know ur SO jealous
8. Were you a nerd?
no, i was a cool indie girl with undiagnosed learning disabilities...sweet!
9. Did you get suspended/expelled?
ive never gotten in trouble my entire life...other then for wearing revealing clothing at random church camps, but even then its just cause im too hot for the cranky old counselors...sometimes i cry
10. Can you still sing the fight song?
repeat: i was a cool indie girl. therefore i was way to cool for school organized activities, especially sports.
11. Who was your favorite teacher?
mrs mansberger. i got a 103% in her class and she ran with me in running races for marathon training even when i was last everytime.
12. Where did you sit during lunch?
normally with everyone else in the little shaded bench area...we had a spot. on tuesdays me and stupid boyfriend ate on the hill and sometimes cuddled and sometimes got in fights
13. Name the school full name?
La Costa Canyon High School
14. School mascot?
mavarick i think
15. School Colors?
green and gold maybe?
16. Rival high school?
torrey pines?
17. Did you go to Prom?
junior year, yes. senior year we went to dinner and a play instead cause...well face it, proms kinda lame.
18. If you could go back and do it again, would you?
i would edit out stupid boyfriend, i would have taken more AP classes so i could have NOT gone to community college for 3 years, i would get help for not being smart, i would play more with olivia.
19. What do you remember most about graduation?
i remember my english teacher who i thought hated me all year, and i hated him...came up to me specifically to tell me how awesome i was. (i may have used a "free speech" time in class to talk about Jesus...whatever)
20. Where did you go senior skip day?
i skipped all the time, their was no official day.
21. Favorite memory?
junior year prom i guess...we have an AMAZING picture to prove it and it was a really fun time.
22. Were you in any clubs?
christian club, that marathon club
23. Where did you go most often for lunch?
our nook
24. Have you gained some weight since then?
probably, but not a ton.
25. Who was your Senior prom date?
i didnt have one. finally broke up with stupid boyfriend by then
26. Are you planning on going to your 10-year reunion?
probably not, i dont know anyone except people im still friends with...maybe if my old english teacher is there and hes still single...ummmmm
27. Who was your homeroom teacher?
homeroom is for losers!
29. Who was your high school sweetheart?
30. Do you still talk to people from high school?
my closest friends
31. Did you win prom queen or king?
obviously the angry indie girl won! we didnt have that anyway so ha.
32. Where did you work in high school?
i worked at my church actually and i was a nanny too
33. What were your grades?
B average and worked my ass off for it too!