ive been watching old americas next top model and degrassi episodes for 2 weeks now.
me and kelsey went to disneyland today!
kelsey stayed out way to late last night, so when i arrived early as requested (11am), she greeted me in pajamas eating cheerios. so i read a mom magazine while she got ready, then we had to go to cosco, then we had to go to CPK for lunch, THEN we made it to disneyland! it took forever. after we crammed ourselves into one sled on the matterhorn, and i won the buzz lightyear game, we finished all the fun thing we wanted to do by 8pm we had done everything we wanted to, so we had time to eat a chipwich and people watch. its fun to pick out the people not from these parts...we saw many a lesbian, fanny pack, tank tops, spandex on large women, screaming children, strollers, couples that made us depressed, ect. all in all it was a good day.

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