this week has been kinda sucking and i dunno if its spiritual warfare coming up on this retreat this weekend, or if my life just sucks or whats going on.
ive decided that i have possibly one the the hardest majors ever and its cleverly disguised as being a wimpy cop out major which i wont get paid much for when i graduate. the liberal studies major and teaching program in the state of california is so stressful and difficult to get into and once in difficult to stay in...its ridiculous. not only do i have a major of something im not interested in (its just a bunch of subjects i have to be good at, rather then something sweet i chose to focus on and somewhat enjoy), but i have 5 tests i have to take, another full year after i get my BA done in a credential program where i student teach somedays (not paid) and have classes other days all day that totals like 40+hrs a week.
my starting salary after all that work is only going to be around $35,000/year.
i will constantly be forced to take more classes and even to get my masters degree someday if i want to move up the pay scale.
all so i can be controlled by the government, teach to the standardized tests so i dont lose my job, and put up with parents and their crazy kids.
im pretty sure im just gonna be a private school art teacher.
which doesnt make all these hoops any easier to jump through.
so thats my venting after a long week of school and a bad case of the grumpies.
this will cheer me up! this is me and lola in her Lobster costume. Bella is a hotdog and sometimes they switch costumes.
i didnt buy them! but they're to fricken cute.