well kelsey reminded me i havent updated in quite awhile.
i havent really had much to update...still busy with school and work craziness.
i had all this stuff due for my integrated credential program at my school, and im excited to report that im almost doneeeee. i have things to turn in tomorrow and then a group interview next week and then im done and im in the program! yay!
so that'll be some stress behind me. it was seriously an entire folder of things to turn in...like tests, medical forms, letters of recommendation...tons of stuff.
i had hardly any homework today. which would have been sweet except im sickkkkk.
yesterday me and kelsey went to disneyland and it was ridiculous. sooo crowded. i spent sooo much money i really shouldnt be spending. we rode a total of 3 rides and waited about an hour for each of them and those were the shorter lines. but was saw a SWEET parade. and me and kelsey felt sick and allergy all day but still had a goodtime laughing and being silly.
these are some of those stories:

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