in honor of this occasion, ive decided to do some extra special things.
-i realized im very self centered. i used to be working on this and trying really hard to be like Jesus and care about others and not about myself. but im sucking at it, and i realized how far down the other side of the road ive gone. i dont know what to do. but im pretty sure having some real legit time with Jesus for the first time in about a month might be a start
-im very judgemental and opinionated and i tend to force other people i love listen to my judgements and opinions. once again, i used to be working on this and loving people and trying not to open my mouth...but im sucking at it big time to the point that i cant stop my mouth before speaking, im not even aware im doing it until ive said it.
-ive been "letting myself go" lately and eating whatever i want because of stress and being poor and just plain laziness and lack of self control. im normally such a healthy person its really weird to be "normal". ive been eating cookies from pei wei like its my job, downing diet coke like its water, even candy! i NEVER eat candy! so today i started eating normally again and i feel a lot better already.
-i get really lonely. and other then annie and people in my classes who i only kinda am friends with...i miss my friends. im having an affair with the tv which is ok, but i dont like watching it all alone (well Bella and Lola are with me, but still). i just want roommates and we'll sit all together in the evening and do homework and watch tv and make dinner together and be so fun
-Lola is the most amazing dog ever. while we were in the hotel i was holding her and sitting at the desk on the computer with a mirror on the wall. she definitly propped herself on the desk and started growling and barking at herself for like 15 minutes. it was AMAZING
-last night Lola managed to climb up onto the table and eat ALL the treats out of this pretty large bucket we have of treats we give them when they're good. i had to yell at her and act mad, but it was just so funny it was really hard not to just laugh.
-my coworker was talking to me today about something unrelated to anything anyone would ever have to know, and definitely broke into singing along with the radio mid sentence and then just picked up his sentence and finished it like nothing happened. i would like to say it was funny and hes a cool guy or something, but hes not. and sadly this whole "singing along to the radio" thing has gotten completely out of control.

this is one of the reasons its difficult for me to get out of the bed in the mornings.
due to technical difficulties, more pictures are to follow.
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