special thanks to the lovely and talented Brittany Sara for this one:)
1. Its 2AM on the weekend, and you are not home. You are more than likely:
at annies passed out drunk from drinking straight bacardi (dont do this. it was an accident. it sucked)
2. What’s the last thing you spent more than $100 on?
new cutie pink ipod nano i apparently dont like that much because i havent done anything with it yet. i just really like NPR ok.
3. What do your bank checks look like?
haha disney characters kissing...and they're pink. very me. very non adult like, haha.
4. Where did you get the shirt you are currently wearing from?
haha this is my ex boyfriends moms sweatshirt, ridiculous. mind you, we broke up in 2004...this is very old and very soft and cuddly.
5. Name something that was on your Christmas wish list.
LOST season 3. got it. so good. thanks uncle and titi.
6. What color is your toothbrush?
blue and white. i need a new one. they dont make pink toothbrushes for adults, it sucks.
7. Name something you collect.
elephants. i have a world wide collection...india, africa, latin america, china...so good.
8. Last restaurant you ate at?
Freds in PB with cass and annie. it was racist and our waitress sucked. needless to say it was a good time.
9. Last person you bought a birthday card for?
brother, november. woot.
10. What is your worst bad habit?
biting my nails and picking my nails when im nervous or bored. poor pointer finger lost his life to LOST last night.
11. Name a magazine you subscribe to?
to many...Allure, Glamour, Vanity Fair, Vogue. all were free except Vogue ok, so get off my back!
12. Your favorite pizza toppings?
mushrooms...garlic...pesto...i love pizza.
13. Whose number were you looking up the last time you used a phone book?
i havent seen a phone book in years. how r they still in business?
14. What is the last thing you cooked?
i baked temph so i could sautee it tonight. im turning into quite the little organic vegan chef!
15. Name something you wouldn’t want to buy already used?
lingire. although it was an option at the last estate sale i was at. yikes
16. What is the last thing you remember losing?
i currently cant find my linguistics book and im having difficulty doing homework for the class now!!! ARG
17. What is the ugliest piece of furniture in your house?
we have a horrible lamp we just cant seem to get rid of
18. Last thing you bought and ended up returning?
shoes...o jeez i need to return those...opps. i have sensitive feet. very fussy with my choice of flats.
19. What perfume/cologne do you wear?
Lovely by SJP
20. Your favorite board game?
CLUE! professor plum!
21. Last board game you played?
scrabble. i rule.
22. Where did your vehicle come from?
mom. keep truckin lil acura!
23. If a movie was made about your life, what would the theme song be?
landlocked blues -Bright Eyes
24. You're sad. Who can cheer you up easily?
bella and lola. they are like my meds or something, seriously!
25. What was the color of the bridesmaid dresses of the last wedding you went to?
pink! i was a bridesmaid, i was the prettiest (according to my friends and family who HAVE to say that), it was real lovely
26. What chore around the house do you hate the most?
fricken dishes. i hate doing other people dishes, i dont know why it makes me so fussy but it does
27. What is your favorite way to eat chicken?
with pesto and tortolinni pasta. its a special meal i rarely get to eat, on account of the zantac needed following the meal
28. It is your birthday. You hope the cake is:
vanilla with pink vanilla frosting. mmm
29. What is the status of you and the last person you texted?
micah ficah. one of the besties!
30. What is wrong with you right now?
i have allergies and im all sicky. and its friday so im REAL tired too. and its cold out so im cold.
31. What do you wear to bed?
underwear and old band shirts. i cant help how cool i am ok.
32. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
probably. i tend to over analyze people and situations...makes for complications.
33. Are you friends with all of your exes?
not really. we arent on bad terms but we just have very different lives now. plus, hes weird and im cool so...you know. (hehe)
34. Whose house did you go to last night?
micahs for LOST night. so fun!
35. What's the most interesting thing you've ever eaten?
boar in Italy. it tasted real good actually.
Finish the sentence
Hi, my name is ... esther
Never in my life have I ... had sex. what? im just being honost! and im sure u were ALL wondering, haha.
The one person who can drive me nuts sometimes is ... friends...not naming names
High school ... was a waste of time. i should have just gone to mira costa and been done with school by now, damn!
When I'm nervous ... i eat my nails
The last song I listened to was ... andrew bird, fiery crash.
If I were to get married right now my best man/maid of honor .. hmm...as of right now i think im going to let all my girls be the maids of honor, well see.
My hair is ... red instead of blonde now.under a hoodie cause im cold and its casual friday.
When I was 5 .. i was weird, i would sing and dance round the house and play dress up and barbies and be really fun. i wish i was 5 again.
Last Christmas ... i was supposed to go to New York:(
I should be ... nothing, im and work chillin
When I look down I see ... boobies, haha
The happiest recent event was ... going out to dinner with cass and annie, we laugh a lot. its real fun.
The saddest recent event was ... my mom came home last night with food poisoning! and my dogs keep throwing up! whats going on?!
If I were a character on 'Friends' I'd be ... a mix of pheobe with a lil monica thrown in
By this time next year ... ill be getting ready to GRADUATE!!!
My current gripe is ... i cant get my loan until june and i need to buy europe trip stuff! im nervous!
I have a hard time understanding ... why i feel like crap all the time
You know I like you when ... i look at u lots and smile. im a nice girl.
If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be ... parentals!
Take my advice ... listen to your friends, they really love u and want whats best for you.
The thing I want to buy ... europe trip 2008
If you visited the place I was born ... u could see disneyland from the window!
I plan to visit ... europe 08 with cass molass
If you spent the night at my house ... you wouldnt get any sleep because my dogs r ridiculous and my dad bangs around the house until like 2am
I'd stop my wedding if ... i found out he was cheating one me...or if
The world could do without ... ryan seacrest.
I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than ... join the marine/navy/airforce
Most recent thing I've bought myself ... a few new shirts and got them tailored:)
Most recent thing someone else bought me ... my boss got me flowers on vday! yay!
My middle name is ... Marie
In the morning I ... HATE my life
The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are ... piggies
Last night I was ... watchin LOST with ficah and kelsey in spirit and eating tofu from my purse, haha.
There's this guy I know who ... doesnt love me. i more guys loved me.
If I was an animal I'd be ... one of my dogs, their life is amazing
A better name for me would be ... Ruby or Penny or Lady
Tomorrow I am ... SLEEPING IN! then lunch with besties! then dinner with other besties! its gonna be a good day!
Tonight I am ...running errands, then cooking myself dinner, then sleeping off this sickness!
My birthday is ... october 6th. im in denile im turning 23 so id rather not discuss it.
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