im moving out.
March 1st.
im moving out.
to carlsbad, off of tamarack, two blocks to the beach.
im moving out.
bringing my doggies and their antics
im moving out.
sweet room mate whose busy but fun just like me
im moving out.
just until annie and jordan get it together and new roomie graduates in the spring
im moving out.
in other news...
i miss my friends kelsey and olivia. i just wanna hang out with them all the time.
i wanna go to disneyland real bad!
my cousins coming the weekend after i move for 10 days. hes real fun, i think we will go to disneyland.
i just saw the most beautiful boy i have ever at my school, thank goodness they exist.
ive been keeping up on current events a lot lately. i turned nerd and listen to NPR now and i really like it! i even like the "marketplace" time because i learn about the stock market and in turn, my job. and i read the newspaper (free at school). except sometimes i get overwhelmed by all the sad things and have to turn things off. thats why i dont watch tv news...too intense.
all my classes i thought i would like i dont, and all the classes i thought i woudnt like i love.
im sucking at doing my school reading because i dont like taking my ADD pills cause they make me irritable. i need to go to the doctor. im falling behind in school and i dont understand what shes talking about.
i started cooking! (be proud, i sucked and only ate lean cuisine before) i made a DELICIOUS organic vegan spinach tofu lasagna from my "students go vegan" cook book. AND organic vegan ten minute brownies that are equally delicious. ive been eating the lasagna all week (saves money and its healthy!) and now i think im going to make some "temph nuggets" and some baked tofu to put into a "one pot pasta" dish. im AWESOME! i really enjoyed doing it and i found it relaxed me and made me feel good about myself.
ok, now i have to do homework and go to class...BLEH

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