Thursday, January 31, 2008


so ive been feeling really really extra grumpy lately about life and friends and school and everything.

but ive been praying about it and working on it because i want to be better.

and yesterday and today ive been happy and enjoying life! yayyyyy!

yesterday i actually LIKED school. weird right. i learned so much and i felt engaged the entire time which is unusual since usually im really tired and irritable and hate the world.

and today im working and im really tired and have quite a few things on my mind, but im still happy! yay!

Jesus loves me.

annnd tonight is a big night.
Pay Day
Sushi Day

yayyyyy...i just wish i had more energy and didnt have to work again tomorrow (yuck!) but then its the weekend and i can catch up on sleep again then.

this week at work has been boss is out of town (which always makes me and annie a little more relaxed but a little stressed at the same time because hes not here to ask questions too) and he didnt leave me a ton to do. usually im trying to fit days of work into a day and half of time and im always really really busy...but not this week. i took my time on things and got everything done and its just nice.

ok friends.
be happy!

off for my evening of FUN


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