"im just really overwhelmed right now"
so i never realized how difficult my school was and how well respected my program is. so im basically in the credential program already, i take credential classes and do observations already. i just do it at the same time as taking my BA classes. PLUS being a teacher in CA is a lot of work already, PLUS my school is in the top for the state, PLUS i suck at school. no wonder i complain all the time.
so things are looking up for me moving out in the spring. it seems so weird to be saying that and feel so good about it.
im planning on taking out a loan and moving in with annie, and hopefully jordan in late spring/early summer. itll be long term for me, ill be moved out until im done with school...and then beyond! im a little worried about annie and jordan falling through since they both have ever changing lives (typical of us youngsters) and their plans tend to change a lot. so i thnk im going to make sure i have enough in case i need to rent alone suddenly or whatever. just in case.
im also taking out some so me and cass can for sure go to europe this summer (and ill have my bills paid for while im gone to!) i have a lot saved up already (thanks to selling my dads books on amazon! yay!) but europe is just so expensive with our economy sucking so much. i doubt this will happen, but i pray our dollar goes up before then.
so far our list of places is (in some kind of order):
-scandanavia (stockholm, maybe copenhagen and helsinki too)
-switzerland (zurich and/or geneva)
-spain somewheres
if we do 3 days in each place + travel time, we should be gone about 6 weeks or less. im excited!!!
today i got really excited about cooking for myself. i bought this "healthy" box of gluten/wheat free pasta+sauce+ just add chicken type of things. i cooked everything myself and was really proud of myself. i even added garlic and some salt mix to give it some flavoring (it was really bland!) little did i know that this "quick and healthy meal in a box!" had enough sodium in it that half way through the meal my heart started to hurt. that cant be good. i wa starving so i ate a lot of it and my heart still hurts. its weird.
now i feel bsd because i feel like i wont ever find easy things i can make myself. i need advice people. give me some simple cheap recipes i can make one night and take leftovers to school/work the next day too. and i only eat chicken/turkey/tofu and no milk products and light on the white carbs.
do u see my predicaments!
have we ever discussed he genius of this show (see below;) i love it so much it makes my heart hurt less!
oh, and this is a photobooth shoot i did last night while i was really busy doing homework and watching crappy tv.

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