well i made it here. oregon with the bestie! yayyy...
my flight was nice and uneventful. i wasnt lonely at all and enjoyed people watching in the airport and on the flights. people are weird. i find i get stared at a lot, im pretty sure its cause im so beautiful...hahaha...
so bestie and husband picked me up from the airport and we drove the lonnnnnggggg way home (almost 2 hours). which was fine because we got to catch up and that was so so nice. i really like olivias husband micheal, hes so sweet with her and a genuinely nice and caring person. we have some stuff in common too which is nice.
olivia showed me EVERYTHING in her apartment, its so cute. they have it decorated really lovely and modern and colorful and cute. and they have my artwork up in the bathroom! i feel so honored! we stayed up nice and late watching snipes of blades of glory, laughing, and catching up even more. so nice.
today we all slept in until like 1130am. then Micheal got ready and went to work and we took forever laying around the house, getting ready, eating, talking about their fish babies, drinking diet coke...u know, the usual.
then we exchanged gifts and i got a build a bear!!! and her names poop and shes wearing a polka dotted dress! olivia is so good to me.
we finally left the house and ran some errands with olivias friend anna and visited husband at work...ect. now were at some coffee shop famous in oregon, called Dutch Bros. and olivias filling out job applications, and annas chillin.
corvallis is really cute. its this little university town that reminds me a lot of madison wisconsin, except in madison its freezing snow and here its really cold rain all the time. its kinda depressing with all the dark clouds and cold rain 24/7...its soooo colllddddd.
ok, now some coffee shop pictures for ur viewing pleasure:

me being happy and silly, cause look whos sitting next to me...


yay! together again! as it should be!
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