Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Here we are again deathly ill for the 4th time in 4.5 months, I didn't even know it was possible to get sick so often. Damn you germy kids!  I can barely type this, but wanted to update you that...

As soon as I told Africa I was sick, he wanted to come over and take care of me right away. It was probably the CUTEST thing ever, but I declined because I am pretty contagious and he has exams I dont want him to miss study time or get sick. But he was so sweet and I was remembering when I literally had swine flu for 2 weeks and mom had just been diagnosed and had her cancer removing surgery and I was a mess, and Number 2 didn't come over or offer to do anything ONCE. He would call me a few times a day and sing me songs and be sweet on the phone, but that was it. No flowers. No visit. No soup. Nothing. At the time I believed him that he just didn't want to get sick, but nowI see the light...seriously? What was I putting up with?!

Ok, back to my fever dream...

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