it was so nice to get out, and spend time with ficah, and be inspired. so nice.
got me feeling like a realy artist...i actually knew the techiniques i was looking at and understood things more. got me excited about my art class again too.
bought new art supplies for our painting unit. i love buying new art supplies.
olivia comes home for a visit on friday! (i think its friday...) i cant wait!!! im looking forward to it sooo much! wedding planning with my best friend!!! so fun!
moms birthday tomm night. nice dinner, family, nice times.
new dog is precious. she loves me best and its so nice to have a new best friend. i got her a new toy lion and elephant, shes so cute with tem. throwing them all funny. pretty sure im going to India for 2 months this summer.ur asking urself, WHY?! and im telling u, TO CHANGE THE WORLD. im also researching setting up a non-profit for the ministry i went to there before, the Literacy Mission Center. They need help, they need someone in the US to come along side them and support them. im pretty sure i am that person. but i need some help filing the paperwork and knowing where to start...anyone?
ive been listening to Harry Potter #3 on audiobook. micah gave it to me, and its pretty much the most amazing thing of my life. i love it. that was my favorite one (until the recent one) and ive already read it twice, plus the the audiobook. i just really like him...i wanna go to Hogwarts so bad and hang out with Harry and friends...and have adventures...*sigh*...then again ive had and will have some pretty kick ass adventure traveling the world and trying to change im the winner in the end.
so im definitly going to bed now and its 930pm. ive been up since 6am so i win.
so sleeepy...
this weeks netflix=
Science of Sleep
Water (india documentary)
cant wait!
got a new book called "The Artists Way"...micah recommended it and it looks really really good. im just not sure i have the time to invest in it right now, so im going to skim it now and maybe invest in it over the summer when i wont be in an art class for 3 months.
im pretty happy. thats nice.
all my love.
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