Thursday, March 15, 2007

new things!

sorry i havent posted in forever. soooo busy.

the hell week, really was hell week. i hardly got any sleep, and was cramming in homework and studying and projects into every second i could...not so fun.
but right when i was about to lose it, (thursday night) everything became amazing!!!

i got accepted to cal state san marcos! ill be going as a liberal studies major with a depth of study in art this fall! YAY!

i got a new doggie! her names Lola and we 'rescued' her from some friends. habla espanol. shes very sweet and cuddly. bella likes her too. we're all friends and its so fun. yesterday i didnt have class till 515pm and i wasnt working and i needed to catch up on i did, and they both sat with me in bed pretty much all day...we took a break to watch american idol...and then i went to school. so fun to have 'someone' to be with me when im home...i get lonely. they're like my room mates! teehee.

i passed my CBEST! even the math! woot!

yeah, all that happened on thursday night after i got home from my class at like 9pm...crazy. also that week, best friend got engaged! micah came home! jens 21st birthday! it ended up being the best and worst week ever.

now its thursday again. thursdays im at school from 9am-930pm. with two awesome 3hr breaks where all i do is homework...or this. and then i have to work friday mornings at 730am so it pretty much sucks every week.

i got some art projects back. i did well! im not as bad as i think.

for jens bday we went to Dstreet and the saloon. i think im kinda over the whole bar scene, unless i go with friends...which is pretty normal i think. im just not crazy about the type of people who go there...typically i have NOTHING in common with them and most of the guys are just looking for something i aint givin...the girls are all slutty and unfortunate looking...the drinks are super expensive...its just not fun. but, like i said, everytime ive gone with friends its pretty fun. if its quieter and we can talk and be fun and relax...instead of worrying about if our boob fell out of our shirt. actually, if some girls worried about that, itd be kinda nice. seems like they usually want that to happen. stay classy san diego.

its nice having micah home. i missed her a lot. we're so comfortable with eachother we can just sit and do whatever...and we like a lot of the same things other friends of mine dont. im finding that thats how friends are. theirs all different ones that each bring out or encourage different things in us. we need all of them to stay sane and balanced. the good ones bring out the good, the bad ones bring out the bad. friends.

so the people in my art class. somedays i really like some of them, most days i dislike all of them. they're just so weird...they seem really full of themselves but also like thats only a show and they're super insecure. or they move from being over confident and back to insecure all the time. stressful. all the mexican kids became friends and speak in spanish all the time...a few of them hardly speak english actually. its weird. haha, my favorite is this like 30yr old lady who dresses like a 15 year old slutty girl...shes very pretty, but she looks ridiculous. haha, shes funny. the class has hardly spoken to eachother besides who u sit right next to. i dunno, im just not really stoked on it. i dont need help feeling unbalanced thanks.

can we discuss Me Without You for a minute. today ive been listening to old school Catch For Us the Little Foxes as i walk to and from my classes and while ive been studying and stuff. are they kidding?! its so amazing! im just awe...i keep wanting to dance around while im walking, but im too cool for school to do that. he sings like hes wooing this honest, poetic, but almost painful way. and it makes u wanna dance and scream all at the same time. in fact, sometimes i do, teehee.

read his poetry and then listen to the song. cause just when you think it cant get any does. oh it does.

all my love dear ones.

"Torches Together" -Catch For Us the Foxes
Me Without You

Why burn poor and lonely?
Under a bowl, or under a lampshade,
or on the shelf beside the bed
where at night you lay turning like a door on its hinges
(first on your left side, then on your right side, then your left side again).
Why burn poor and lonely?
Tell all the stones we're gonna make a building.
We'll be cut into shape, and set into place
or if you'd rather be a window,
I'll gladly be the frame.
Reflecting any kind words,
we'll let in all the blame
(and ruin our reputation all the same)
So never mind our plan making.
We'll start living!
Anyway, aren't you unbearably sad?
Then why burn so poor and lonely?

We'll be like torches!
We'll be like torches!
We'll be like torches!
Oh, we'll be torches together, torches together!
We'll be like torches!
We'll be like torches
with whatever respect out tattered dignity demands.
Torches together, hand in hand.

Why pluck one string?
What good is just one note?
Oh, one string sounds fine I guess, and we were once 'one notes'.
We were lonely wheat, quietly ground into grain
(What light and momentary pain!)
So why this safe distance, this curious look?
Why tear out single pages when you can throw away the book?
Why pluck one string when you can strum the guitar?
Strum the guitar!
Strum the guitar!
Strum the guitar!
Strum the guitar!
With no beginning, with no end
Take down a guitar and strum the guitar!
Strum the guitar if you're afraid,
And I'm afraid and everyone's afraid
and everyone knows it, but we don't have to be afraid anymore.

You played the flute but no one was dancing,
You sang a sad song and none of us cried.

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