its true.
working for loker 24hrs.
midterms and projects due in all my classes.
supposed to work for apple for 15hrs.
but the good news is that its wednesday and the weeks half over! but not really cause, i still have 2 hours of work here and then awful math class and then i have to finish my art project and psyc project...bleh.
but the other good news is that i can do all that art homework along with next top model (last week sucked, hopefully it will get better)...LOST...and if im still working, The Illusionist. i got the illusionist from netflix along with little miss sunshine, which i watched last night which was so good! loved it, i knew i would...i was just gone while it was in theatres and havent had the chance to rent it yet.
annie might be getting a bella dog! wouldnt that be AMAZING!
yesterday i got the Friends delux version of the game "scene it" for a dollar! thats right, $1.00. amazing. im going to win...except i suck at small details so maybe not.
micahs home! yay! but i still havent had the chance to see her (see my busy week above) so im hoping we can find some time this weekend. saturday night my dads taking me to see the secret garden by lambs players and im excited cause i think they made into a musical and i spend most days being 12 years old, so this shall be enjoyable.
last night i ate beef and it made me sick. obviously. so i said no to the ice cream (dads bday) for obvious reasons.
brother got a real haircut and is looking for a new job. keep ur ears open, hes very qualified and can pretty much work 5 days a week except T/TH when he attempts to go to school. also, micah and tisha are both looking for temp work for a few months...they're very qualified in office type work and prob wont take less then 12$ hour, nor should they!
still no word about my outreach this summer.
BEST FRIEND OLIVIA IS ENGAGED!!! im the 2nd happiest girl in the world! 2nd to her of course.
i dont know if i wanna get my credential in california. the schools here suck and they're very political and crowded and CA has the most requirements for teachers so the credential program is a bitch. maybe i should move to washington and get my credential there? BUT if i get it for CA then i can move anywhere and ill have all the requirements, except in a few states i would have to take like one class or something. being a teacher is awesome, i can teach wherever i want.
i just wanna be done with my BA so i can MOVE ON.
PS: boy moved away and ive forgotten all about him. obviously.
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