In my opinion, the Oscars can suck it. The Golden Globes are WHERE its at. Even if you just watch the two shows...clearly everyones drunk and having a ball at the Golden Globes, while the Oscars are so haughty and pompous...overdone if you ask me. Usually I adore the best picture nominations and have added these babies to my "see over Christmas and before moving abroad" que. Plus, if you loooove the Oscars then these will most likely be nominated for those you can get a head start!
During a year of shitty movies here are the ones I feel would be most worth our time...
The Black Swan
I already have a serious adoration for Natalie Portman and have been waiting and waiting for this baby to come out. It appears to be a serious "play with the audiences mind" type of movie with beautiful ballet just to top it off- which Portman trained extensively for. Looks creepy good! Plus, you'll be getting a bunch in one since Natalie landed herself a Best Actress nomination and Mila Kunis landed a best supporting actress too. It's in theatres now.
Saw this in the theatre last summer, hopefully you did too, if not then find yourself a big ass blue ray TV and get ready for the RIDE of your life. Fantastic acting by Leo and the gang, plus the writing and visuals are just stunning. I knew it would earn a nomination, really fantastic. Add to que.
The Fighter
I dont know how many "boxer" movies based on a true story there can possibly be, but apparently a lot. Ok, that was my feeling about this film before I heard the Fresh Air
interview with Melissa Leo who plays the mother, on NPR yesterday. They played a few clips and I was hooked. It isn't just about boxing- It appears to be more about the family dynamics between the two brothers (HELLO Christian Bale and Mark Wahlberg), and the rest of the family. If I know Christian...the acting will just be superb, and Mark earned himself a Best Actor nomination too. Amy Adams and melissa Leo both earned best supporting nominations too! Plus, unlike me, if you have a boyfriend I am betting this is one you'll both love. I however will most likely be going alone
or with Cassie.
In theatres now.
The Kings Speech

How cute does this look?! And HOW did I miss this? Anything with Colin Firth, Helena Bonham Carter, and Geoffrey Rush must be wonderful. Plus, it won peoples choice at the Toronto film festival-which is a pretty dang prestigious festival to win. Apparently when King George IV (Firth) suddenly becomes king, his horrible speech impediment hinders him from really being able to act as King (since speeches are kind of a thing with Kings), so his wife and the current queen in real life (Bonham Carter- best supporting nom) get him a speech therapist (Rush- best supporting nom) and they form this sweet friendship and help him overcome the issue. This becomes invaluable when England goes to war and the King is able to give a serious address to inspire the country. I see a tear jerking speech at the end of the movie coming on...which is probably how Colin earned his Best Actor nomination too. This came out here in November and isn't on Netflix yet, so you have to save it to your que.
The Social Network
I only saw a handful of movies in the theatres this year, but I made sure to get out to see this one. I'm sure you did too, since I feel that it's pretty much the movie of our generation. If you live under a rock, the movie is about the start of Facebook. Beautifully written and acted, plus I remember the score being pretty kick ass too. Our little Jessie Eisenberg earned a best actor nomination too...I feel like I KNOW him after this movie, even though he's just an actor- I somehow feel a little "proud". Add to que.
The Tourist
I don't know that I need to say more then the following: Johnny Depp & Angelina Jolie- filmed in Paris and Venice. Eye candy to the MAX. Plus, apparently some good acting since they both also earned best acting nominations, and it's in the comedy section so they're funny? I've never seen Jolie be funny so I am more than intrigued. In theatres now.
Best Acting Nominations
Worth Checking Out Too...
Blue Valentine
When I saw
the preview, I gasped a little. Then I found out that Ryan MOVED IN with Michelle for awhile prior to filming to get them into character (no wonder they both got a nomination). And that the movie has a hot and heavy sex scene that almost got it an NC17 rating. Plus the entire soundtrack is by Grizzly Bear. This might be my favorite movie this year, right up there with Rabbit Hole. It comes out at the end of the month-
cant wait.
Love & Other Drugs
Jake Gyllenhaal AND Anne Hathaway both earned themselves acting nominations for this comedy, which I really wanted to see but it just slipped through my fingers (sometimes preparing to move abroad does that, ya know?). Couldn't love those two actors more, and in a film about a weird non cookie cutter romance set in the 80s? Sign me up. Still may be out in some theatres.
The Rabbit Hole
You've already heard me gush about this stunner of a film here, but as expected Nicole earned a best actress nomination that she damn well deserved. As I look over the films nominated for best drama, I have zero idea why this one wasn't included. It knocked them all out of the park. It isn't all sad either, I promise there is some comedic relief and hope. Gorgeous film about real people and real life. This comes out today, so do yourself a favor and go see it.