During my day off yesterday and today during my wonderful morning alone traveling (had an earlier flight from Kauai to Oahu) I made some big decisions.
1) I don't think this nanny thing is a long term thing for me. I was hoping to find a high end family and work as a professional nanny, etc. Not only did I not find that, but the job I do have does have its perks and I do LOVE my babycakes to death...I miss teaching. I miss having job challenges, never being bored, being creative, being busy, actually teaching. I was going back and forth with if I want to just nanny for a few years and take it easy or if I want to start my "career", although I feel I made the right decision for this time of my life...it just isn't for me. I am not domestic help. I am the lady who hires domestic help. Hawaii has taught me this. BUT it's a job during a time when there aren't any. AND I love my babycakes. So it is ok for now.
2) I am not sure how to use my LOVE of babies and kids without being a nanny other then that someday I am going to be a great mom. I thought nannying would totally be my thing, but it's really hard working for parents however nice they are most of the time. Again, I am not "The Help" type of lady. I am the one who takes a nanny to Hawaii...except we are in the Caribbean...and I dont just dump my kids with her all week.
2) I am going to try and move to NYC again. I have the spare $80 to apply and get my reciprocity agreement so I can teach in the state of New York, and they are going to post their hiring stuff in December. Until then I am going to work on a case study of babycakes and try and to do some other teaching focused classes or something until next year so my resume doesn't just say "nanny". I am also going to apply for some other cities, but NYC is a must. I dont want to go away forever...just awhile.
3) The money I am saving over this year for a car...I am going to put toward moving somewhere where I dont need a car. sucka.
4) I want to open a clothing store or trunk store or fashion blog? I know my inspirations...I just need to research the crap out of how to actually do it and start doing it. Baby steps on this one...since I know very little about the industry other then how much I know my fashion and I do know general business.
*5) I need to stop talking to Number 2 again. I need to tell SS we should just be friends.
*Don't know when these things will actually happen since I am the WORST.
PS: So excited to come home!!! Gave my Bella the biggest snuggle and then proceeded to discover that she was literally INFESTED with fleas 2010!!!! I dont know what happened since she hardly ever goes outside and I had medicine on her!!! IT WAS THE MOST DISGUSTING THING EVER (other then moth colony 2008- another story for another time). I could go into a lot of details at the grossness of my poor sweet neglected Bella, but instead you'll be happy to know she got a serious flea bath and is now snuggled next to me clean as a whistle. Tomorrow she goes to the groomers too. She was all bedraggled anyway, it looked like my entire family ignored her all week. Not sure I can leave her in their care ever again after this one, GOOD LORD.
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