Started packing my room today. Packed almost all of my personal pictures and little things I have from traveling...it's pretty plain in here now. I think I have my head around my parents potentially selling the house now. I am sad. But I am also excited to move in with my friend...hoping everything with Bella goes ok that is...and to be a real adult grown up with my own place! So fun!
Today the dad of the babycakes went over "what's expected of me" day to day. Besides watching the baby, I am also supposed to do everyones laundry whenever it needs to be done, clean the kitchen counters, vacuum and totally clean the babies play area after the day is done, and of course walk the dog and baby everyday. Eventually I'll also be running errands for them as well, weekly grocery shopping, dry cleaning, etc. The laundry, kitchen, and baby area were hardest for me. I always do the babies laundry and clean up our play area at the end of the day, but I did leave out a few toys on his mat for them to play with him with and his burp cloth and stuff that we use all day- and apparently that wasn't good enough. Plus, why don't you clean up after yourself in the kitchen? I'm not your maid. And I REALLY dont want to clean and fold your dirty underwear, thanks. I am not your domestic help, I am your college educated NANNY. I know its tough to distinguish between me and your gardeners, but please try and remember I am a credentialed teacher. And went to college so I wouldn't have to do someones laundry. So now not only am I bored and not mentally challenged in my job, but I am doing housekeeping too. Since he's older, I think he was single and able to be neurotic and clean for so long that he has NO IDEA what is going to happen when the baby starts walking...or maybe he wont ever have to experience the potential mayhem because he'll have a nanny. But it won't be me.
I am trying to keep a good attitude. Be thankful that in this economy I even have a job that pays as "decently" as it does...even though I have made way more in other jobs but whatever. I am also trying to remember that the reason I do all these little things is so they get to spend more time with the baby. And that I get a raise in 5 months. And to have integrity and put my heart into EVERYTHING I do. And that its only temporary.
I have already been looking for teaching jobs for next year. A few are posted already, so I need to get my act together and scan everything to send in for the jobs. Applying for teaching jobs is A LOT of work...every application wants all this shit scanned in and sometimes you have to fill out essays, just for the initial application! Its ridiculous. So I am going to try and focus on the job stuff and moving for the next month or so. And trying to plan an escape. Either Kelsey, something with Number 2, or both! And me and Annie want to do Vegas for a night or two in December too:) So fun! Might try and take a break from the intense dating for awhile. I'm a little burned out. May just be the lingering effects of Hawaii still though.
Although I may have a date tomorrow night with Mustache. A new fellow whom I have been corresponding with, he wants to get coffee tomorrow evening and I accepted. He's pretty cute actually. He's supposed to text me with the plan...he's been a little slow to respond so I don't know if anything will actually happen but, you never know.
Ughhhh I'm so tired of being so tired all the time!!!! It's only 8pm and I already want to go to bed. I need to start working out. And taking vitamins.
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