This is what I got to enjoy ALL day!
Pretty pond where the mosquitos like to breed and eat you.
Found this fruit on a bench just for funsies!
Cool plantation house now turned gift shop where you can buy crap you dont need
Just nice tables and shade amongst the green trees and pretty flowers
I slept in as long as I wanted...or was able to with the kids squeaking all morning...then visited the tidepools and the fishies and crabs...then the spouting horn up the road and bought a cute turquoise bangle. Then across the street to the free BEAUTIFUL botanical gardens. Then pumped Rhianna in my minivan all the way to the Hyatt where I explored the AMAZING far the best hyatt/hilton Ive ever been to...gorgeous views, beach, and this lagoon style looking pool with sand and rocks and a slide and OH MAN. Drank fruity drinks and ate lunch by the pool (splurged and got fries with parm cheese and garlic on them!!! so good!) my massage at the FANTASTIC spa (which the family I work for bought for me-THANKS:) and just sat by and in their pool reading people style watch and drinking their fruity water. It was getting later and I was all sleepy so I was about to leave when they had a Hawaiian music and hula show in the lobby overlooking the water and I just plopped myself down to watch and drank some wine and never wanted the day to end. Plus, I looked hot today and all the fat, white, not cute, American tourists kept checking me out. Seriously. Men need to shave their backs and women need to go into the sun more often. PLUS we ALL need to go on diets. Good Lord.
Excited to be going home tomorrow! Plus I get to have the morning to myself since the rents have a later flight to the main island than I do. So I get to take a cab to the airport, chill, fly without baby, chill more. Goodness:) But I am NOT excited to be going home to my relationship and moving drama though. Today I forced myself NOT to think about any of it and just enjoy my day alone. It was hard being alone though. I almost cried again once and can NOT figure out why. I am usually fine being alone, I mean...I really like doing my own thing. But this week and today I just wanted someone to share everything with. Ok, not every single little thing...but most of it. Or at least have a special someone to talk to throughout the day who cares about me and what I'm doing. Its not the same with Number 2 and SS...I mean I did talk and text with them a little but it was just eh. Maybe because I was so alone all week it just sucks at this point. And I think part of the reason my energy is so drained is that I am an extrovert and have had very little adult interaction all week. I feel like I've been trapped in this house all week and I'm dying to get out!!! Someone talk to me!!!
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