Well, we were there from 6:30-9:30 if that's any inclination as to how things went:) And YES he is just as beautiful in person, if not more so. I mean...wow...I would catch myself just lingering looking at him...dimples and muscles and all. BUT he's not a jerkface?!?!?! I wasn't even sure how to process that...he was like, nice and normal and really sweet. And not super trendy or "too cool"...he was just a genuine and kind gentlemanly guy. However, conversation was a little tough sometimes. I had to ask him a lot of questions, he didn't make me laugh a lot, and it didn't just flow naturally like other great first dates I've had. BUT it was still fun, he was VERY nice, he's not as outgoing as me or as SS or Number 2...but personable enough. We were there a long time, the food and beach view was AMAZING, and I definitely caught a lot of people looking at us. Probably because we were both so pretty;) Just like SS, he didn't try and kiss me goodnight and didn't even touch me the entire time. I am beginning to like taking it slow with these gentlemen folk. I'm curious to see how our next date goes.
Oh lady, how do you know there will be a next date?
WELL when I got home I had this text waiting for me:
"I had a great time tonight. You looked incredible. I can't believe I didn't tell you that earlier. Can we do it again soon?"
I literally have every night this week booked, so I squeezed him in on Saturday for lunch between packing, saying bye to Rachel whose moving, and hanging out with SS. Yeah thats right, 2 dates in one day in the same city. Skanky OR awesome? I'm not sure the answer yet actually. But as far as I understand this dating thing, until you are officially something with someone you can (and probably should) date other people. And since SS and I aren't something official and Number 2 still doesn't want to date me, I am free to do what I like right?
Some fun stats about Beautiful Creature/"Crew":
-did crew in high school and college, does triathalons now, incredible body. All I care about is that this means he can pick me up and throw me around in the bedroom should it come to that.
-Has a big dog
-lives by himself right by the beach
-very active, goes fishing with his friends a lot, runs a lot, etc.
-works as a clinical trial coordinator and loves it, was a bio major and is smart!
-listens to decent music but isn't INTO it like I am
-traveled a lot when in the military in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East...but hasn't been anywhere else.
Just a very normal and sweet guy. No idea how he's so pretty, is in socal, and isnt' a complete douche bag.
Tomorrow night SS and I are going to an art show/music/free drinks event in town. We're both excited:) I miss him when I don't see him...not sure how to handle that annnnd trying to handle Number 2 still calling me everyday and now Beautiful Creature in the mix. I also talked for an hour last night with another guy who asked me out sometime this week too, but I just couldn't fit it in before Hawaii. Plus I'm trying to get ready to go to Hawaii with baby R and family on Sunday. I have off tomorrow and I am STILL going to bed early, I'm just so exhausted. So much fun.
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