View from the pool...yeah thats right, steps down to the beach.
steps to the beach from our pool. So pretty right!
The super cool tree lined street I drove on today pumping Beyonce in my minivan. Yes, I took this while driving. Yes, I know its dangerous.
So today was a MUCH better day then the last two days. I think I was just overtired and overworked...I only worked 8-2 today and maybe 30 minutes in the evening just helping the parents out here and there. Today I cried while feeding babycakes about my house and having to move stuff again...just a little bit. Then he looked up at me with his sweet little face and I remembered that Im snuggling with the love of my life and to be happy. Today they gave me 2-5 off so I could relax, I ventured in our rented minivan all the way to cosco pumping Beyonce and the Black Eyed Peas and dancing along the beautiful tree lined roads...I have to say, it was pretty awesome. I was so happy to be FREE of the house and kids I didn't even care that it was just to cosco. I had to pick up a prescription my stupid insurance company wouldnt let me fill before I left (hate them). Then I went into the cute little town by our house and walked around a little and got beer and diapers, haha. I had a little more fun with the parents today then yesterday. I do like them, it's just hard to always be "on" all the time even when the kids aren't around since I dont know them that well. employers and the other family we're traveling with just discovered that I am a legit teacher with a credential. They apparently didn't even read my resume when they hired me, haha. I think they're super impressed.
Talked to Number 2 awhile...I finally got reception. Hilarious conversation...
me: I just kind of weird around them because I dont know them that well...and they are all SO skinny and I feel so fat and gross
Number 2: your not fat...your voluptuous. (insert compliments about my boobs and butt)
me: thanks babe.
Number 2: (singing) and your amaaazing...just the wayyyy you areeeee
me: ahahaaaa are you singing Justin Beiber to me?!?!?!
Number 2 proceeded to sing the entire choras of the wasn't Justin Beiber, but pretty much just as ridiculous/adorable. Check it out...
He can be so sweet.
SS texted me today too. I was pretty surprised and even said, "I thought you forgot about me homeslice?" and he said, "nah foo! I just figured u were busy flyin and getting settled in yesterday" we texted a little bit more just about whatever...apparently we text like black people with the homeslice and the foo...haha.
Still no word from Crew.
Tomorrow I have off until noon and then I am on until the kids go to bed which is usually around 7/8. I am SO excited tomorrow is day closer to Saturday, my day off, and then GOING HOME. It's only 9p and I am already EXHAUSTED.
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