Bella is adjusting slowly...she cried while I was making trips unloading my car when we first got here, but I told her it was good practice for when I really do leave. And she hasn't quite adjusted to the doggie door and grass square I got her. We'll get there. I am just worried she'll cry while I am gone tomorrow or bark when people go in and our or we'll see how it goes.
Things aren't nearly together enough for me to take pictures, but tomorrow I should be finished and you can all see how lovely everything looks! Yay for being an adult!
Good things:
1) Job interview last night went GREAT! It is a single dad and nine year old little guy. The job is pretty much just tutoring him with homework (major props that I was a 4th grade teacher) and making them dinner, which he says I can make anything I want and he doesn't care about the grocery bill (Hello Art of French Cooking!). I also do their laundry and just keep things neat and pays SO MUCH MORE then my current job and seems pretty lovely. I can also sub during the daytime which I really need for my resume anyway. He said he felt things went great and that I am definitely in the top two:) So this could be really good. Tomorrow I have an interview for a MWF job 8-3 with a little 4th month thankful for interviews!!!
2) Cute new Annie neighbor T is single again! And he already asked Annie to invite me out somewhere with them! I can barely move but she's out talking me up right now...YES. Unless she gets tanked and makes out with him...don't do it Annie!
3) Tomorrow I am having breakfast with these LOVELY ladies whom I haven't seen since this was taken...over a month ago:( We all grew up and old.

I really wish I had a 3 day weekend.
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