So today started out "normal" enough...
First of all I slept from 10p last night until 11:40a today...ridiculous. Then drove all the way to a Love Boutique to buy myself a new Vibe (a rabbit! so excited!) and some super cute lube called Pink...in a cute bottle! So that was successful...except it WAS weird browsing the vibes while some guy behind me was checking out the porn and another fat weird couple was asking about erection problems and buying Extenze. Awkward.
After that I went to Trader Joes and somehow ended up buying $60 worth of different kinds of dips and sauces (ok there was a few other things too, but seriously...mostly dips and sauces for breads, pasta, and rice. Ridiculous)
Then Annie and I came here to the family I work for where I am housesitting/dog sitting for the weekend. We just sat with their dog and I brought Bella and were chillin for an hour or so when their dog, Crash, disappeared. We just figured he was outside but then 20 minutes later ended up finding him in Annies stuff in our room having eaten an entire BAG of M&M's...including the bag. And it wasn't those little bags, it was a giant one Annie had put into a plastic baggie.
So we freaked out. Since dogs can die from chocolate and hes only a 30lb French Bulldog.
We drove all the way back into my part of town to take him to a vet open past 6p. We were there for almost 2 hours, paid $200 to have them induce vomiting and give him this weird stuff to soak up any other chocolate in his system. I had to bring Bella with me...so we were just sitting there at the PetSmart vet holding a freaking out Bella all upset because I thought my employers were going to KILL me, and Annie and I barely have a spare $200. I may have cried.
We finally got home around 9pm, starving and needing a drink. So I made us a delicious dinner and we drank an entire bottle of wine while listening to Christmas music. And I cried again because I miss Number 2.
See? Perfectly normal Friday.
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