A few things are happening:
1) Yesterday my bosses FREAKED out and greeted me in the morning all upset because apparently after I stayed there over the weekend and let the dog on the couch he thinks its ok and apparently it's NOT. I didn't even know!!! So I got a lecture in the morning and was instructed to bathe the dog (yep, the nanny. Now also bathes dogs...among other things) like it was my penance for letting the dog on the couch. I fumed about it all day and was finally feeling better when the wife comes home and re lectures me about it. A lot of it was venting ABOUT the dog but I could tell they are totally blaming me.
"We finally broke him of the couch habit, but then something happened this weekend and he thinks its ok again"
All I wanted to say was, ITS JUST A COUCH!!!! FUCK YO COUCH!!! (ala "Rick James" from Chapelle show)
2) So I know I have bitched about my job before...how its boring/not challenging, I am not getting paid enough, they have me do things NOT in my job description but dont pay me more, they freak out about everything, they won't let me go anywhere, I am lonely...etc. Plus, I feel like I worked my ass off in school...seriously, SO MUCH WORK, and to not be able to use my degrees is really frustrating. Plus, I am a really good teacher. Its my heart. It's hard to not be able to do what you were made to do.
But I know I need to be thankful that I have a job...even though I turned down other jobs for the reasons above, but whatever. And that it is a stepping stone so I can move out and take a few little trips due to my flex schedule and apply for other teaching jobs. And I LOVE my baby and how excited I am to be a mommy someday for real. So these are all good things.
So I am going to try and stop complaining all the time about my job. Fix my attitude and enjoy the little perks I do get from the position...see it as temporary...see it as a blessing when so many people are unemployed. And enjoy what time I do have with the babycakes.
Although, don't be surprised if more of these little stories pop up from time to time. Because I'm still working for crazy people.
I went to school so I could be happy at what my chosen career was...it's tough to be so bummed about my work ALL the time. So I am asking Jesus for JOY. Especially amidst my heart break AND job situation, I just need someone to carry me awhile.
3) So, speaking of jobs. I AM being proactive and applied for quite a few jobs over the weekend and about 5+ more today. Local admin jobs for right now, and then teaching jobs in LA county for REAL career loveliness. Seriously, LEGIT teaching jobs I realllly want. And I used my friends address so they will think I am a local and did kick ass cover letters, yeah I am smart sometimes.
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