A little sad today because Kelsey is officially off and away to Seattle and I don't think I can visit her in November with all this job and money stuff. Plus, I was supposed to go with them but it didn't work out so I am missing out on prime girl fun times too. Then I started searching for sub positions online and literally NONE of the districts are hiring substitutes. And then just now I saw the family I just quit with posted an ad on the nanny website I've been using to try and find work (not my awesome agency, they are too cheap for the agency...ahem), and that was weird and made me sad to leave my little buddy. So a little weird of a day.
BUT THEN! T texted me this afternoon! Already! Needless to say I was very surprised...
T: Heyoo whatcha up 2 today?
me: Hey! I have the day off...errands and finishing unpacking. Movies later with a friend, you?
T: Sounds nice. Im just leaving the beach about to start work. We should hang out later this week.
me: Such a nice day out, beach was a good choice. I am free tmrw night and Sat if u wanna chill.
T: I have tomorrow off, call you then!
me: Ok sweet, talk to you then
I did good right? I wasn't very good about waiting to text him back (I was so excited I answered right away) or appearing too available...but I dont want to play TOO many games. I dont like playing games at all, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do I guess. I am just so "eh" about it I am very relaxed and letting whatever happens, happen. Which is probably a good thing. If he wants to hang out, I am free Thursday and Saturday- how much more complicated can I make it? Trying not to get overly excited to have too many expectations. Not very difficult after heartbreak 2010.
after freaking out about nowhere hiring substitutes, I started researching private schools and sent my resume to a super duper awesome school about 20min away. I LOVE this school because its all arts focused and they do project based learning, which is amazing. They said on their website they were hiring subs, I emailed the lady and 20min later got a response to come and interview, tour the school, and get an application! So I will be there Tuesday! Woot!
I am trying NOT to freak out about not having enough hours...again, I can pay all my bills and eat and put gas in my car but that'd be IT. Nothing else. So I could do it for a month...but any longer and Ill go crazy. Ok fine, I am freaking out. Doesn't anyone need someone Tuesday/Thursdays? Melissa and I were just talking about how I could just work at Starbucks the other days or afternoons. The store I can walk to from my house makes mad tips too and it's not as busy as where I worked last time and wanted to kill myself. But I already feel horrible about myself that I am a NANNY when I just worked my ass off in school for a post-baccalaureate degree, I think Starbucks would do me in. Or maybe it would be fun and I'd make new friends and get to be loud and silly? hmm...
Something has to happen.
PS: I LOVE MY NEW APARTMENT. And my roomie Melissa! And Bella is settling in and didn't cry or bark while we were at the movies tonight! I got her a citronella spray bark collar though. And shes using the doggie door:) YAY!
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