Deleted Number 2 from Facebook. My phone. His pictures. From gchat. Everything.
Deleted my online dating profile. I need a break.
New cute neighbor, T, I kind of liked who I thought was into me just changed his status to "in a relationship" on facebook so thats done.
Decided to stop texting with the random online guy Im not really that interested in anyway. Again, need a break.
So my month or so of hoards of boys and drama is over apparently. Knowing me, it won't be long before something else comes up. But gosh do I have enough going on with moving and my weird job (more on that another time) and being sick.
I am actually really excited to just be on my own and to stop SEEKING out someone for awhile. If it happens it happens, but I need to stop hunting. I am actually super anti boys right now anyway after the Number 2 episode. Even SS just randomly stopped texting and calling me last week. So adios boys. I am currently not your biggest fan. You never know what you want and you break my heart and constantly leave me hanging. We're taking a break.
So I'm working. (and looking for other jobs)
And resting.
And listening to sad music. (See current obsessions)
And packing.
And snuggling with Bella.
And missing my girls.
And being free.
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