Friday, March 30, 2007


well, i havent written in awhile...which is sad for both of us cause u dont get to hear about my amazing and exciting life, annnnd it means ive been to busy to write.



olivia came and left and it was sooo nice to see her! we got her wedding dress! its amazing! and i got my bridesmaid dress, which is equally amazing and actually looks pretty good. itll look extra good when i lose some damn arm fat and get a fricken tan.

im thinking of going platinum blonde. and im bored with my haircut. but besides thinking about going blonde all over, and being bored with my haircut. i have no ideas. help me. ive never gone red, ive never gone platinum tho either...and i think for the wedding itd be pretty. i dont wanna kill my hair...but i also am only going to be 21 once right?! this is my mind all the time. now u see my ADD mind. arg. i kinda wanna be girly, but not all the time so i like being dark. maybe when i get contacts and my blue eyes show again the dark will look better. i dunno, i should ask Ciara my stylist.

parents are out of town! i miss them, but it IS nice to have their HUGE room all to myself and i feel like i have so much more space. annie is staying in my room and its like we're room mates! kelsey slept over last night, and cassie with me. it was so fun. i really pray someday we can all live together...and if its in a few years we'd probably get along even better cause we'll start to know ourselves more and learn even more respect and good communication. someday. so fun.

Lola and Bella and Scooter and doing good. Lolas a handful, but everyday shes a little better. Bella is sweet as ever.

im starting a diet, probably over the weekend. its from

Shaklee is like one of those Amway type of companies, and Micahs parents have a business through it to support their life as full time missionarys. anyway, her mom lost a bunch of weight on their diet plan called CINCH. and you know how im all into organic and healthy stuff, and this diet is gluten free and dairy free and even tho its not certified organic by the USDA, all their products are tested for all the stuff im concerned about. so im pretty excited about it. and micahs doing it too (i dont know why tho, the girls thin!), and its portable type stuff. so this is my prep for the wedding and for outreach this summer where i usually get pretty sick from food in other countries...i have a sensative body, its kinda ridiculous.
speaking of outreach, donnas going to give me portions of products ordered through her from people who wanna support me. so its a fundraiser type thing to. more on that later tho...i dont know the details yet.

im pretty sure im going. it looks like north east india for about 6 weeks and probably a week before and after in Madison prepping and then recapping. im also going to try REALLY hard to plan a trip down to Bangalore after the time in the NE to see everyone i worked with before down there. i miss them all so much. i still pray for them almost everyday and my life has changed so much from that trip a few years ago. i just love India. to be honost, im kinda cranky about us going to NE DTS leader whos in charge of planning the outreach has a passion for the NE and has gone many times and spends about 6 mon a year there if u added up all her suprise suprise she felt "lead" for our team to go there. BUT im trying to have a good attitude, and i really do trust her and the other base leaders they've proved themselves wise to me time and time again, but im going to be heartbroken if i dont get to the south while im there. After thats planned, ill probably feel really good about going. but also, we're planning on leaving june 11th and so far i havent heard anything about buying a plane ticket or shots or visas or hello ywam, this is a big trip...we need to plan! help me to trust You, Lord. You know the best way, i just want to follow that. Help me.

i think with olivias wedding planning and how sweet her and micheal are, and my lack of love life for the last few YEARS...ive been a little sad about it the last few days. i know logically that i dont have time for a bf, and that its better i dont have someone cause if he was the one we wouldnt be able to get married for at least 2-3 years...and thats the very least...and its hard to wait that long when you love Jesus and arent having sex...and i also know that i dont really go out to places where i would meet eligible men so its not totally out of my hands...i know all that. BUT ive known all that for a few years and im growing tired of it. i just need to focus on those truths and relax...
"boy...where are you?!"

me and micah are going on an adventure this week. we leave tuesday i think...we're going up to LA to meet and play with some of her friends. we're going to do some touristy stuff with a girl from Turkey whos never been to LA before (which is so fun cause i love touristy stuff!) and then other things we dont know yet...haha...thats why its an adventure! im excited to get out of fricken SD and be away from work and school for real. if i stay home i just find work to do, whether its house work, Apple, begin some of the mounds of homework i have, i need to LEAVE. and im looking forward to spending more time with Micah Ficah...i just love her! we're so fun!

ok, back to work now...just 2 hours more!!!

its all happening!
all my love dear ones.

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