Monday, April 23, 2007


have i ever mentioned how much i dislike school? HATE is a good word.

seriously, math is the hardest thing for me. and i cant focus on anything, and im oversensative to authority figures so i dont like asking for help, and it exhausts me to work so hard at focusing all day. its awful.

i do really like my child psycology class. even tho she assigns us way to many projects, and the class is thursday nights for 3 hours...i learn so much and i really like it. its encouraging that ive chosen the right major...kinda...
liberal studies. and a depth of study in art & aducation
what does one take for liberal studies?

hopefully no more math. i wont be able to pass it.

in other news, ill be going to India this summer! im trying not to get to excited since my ticket isnt officially bought yet. but yay! ill be in the north east part for about 7 weeks, and then hopefully flying down to Bangalore to see all my dear ones there for about 2 weeks there. and then home...just a few days before my new school, and a week before olivias wedding!

its all happening!

i have to get hepititus shots. malaria pills. anti diharrial pills, so i dont die like last time...ugh. a visa. travel insurance. so much to do.

if ud like to support me in my big huge mission trip, it would be much appreciated. everything costs money! but its well worth it. every little bit helps!

we're going to be pioneering an entirely new ministry in this area of India! itll be very relational with college age students at the universities in the area! i think we'll also be helping them with their first DTS at the base...encouraging the christians already there, ect.

my dream life:
finish school and teach art at a cute private school for a little while.
help mummy in india get her ministry supported if needed.
live simply while working and save money for summers doing art evangelism around the world.
marry a pediatrician.
continue summers off doing ministry with him doing medical ministry and me teaching art to little ones.
adopt my babies from all over the world.
teach in the sunday school locally.
raise my babies and live happily ever after.


ok, now im going to try and study for the math test im going to fail. awesome.

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