Monday, October 15, 2012

Is Anyone Good At This?

Is ANYONE good at being an adult? I am single + fully employed and still feel like I am a failure ALL the time.

Nothing is ever clean...

always behind with laundry...

my dogs have fleas and allergies...

everything is messy and forever cluttered...

I ate gross lean cuisines for lunch all last week because I couldn't get my act together and go shopping...

Even with doing that, I've been on weight watchers 3 months and haven't lost a single pound...

I dont exercise...


I keep pin pointing it to my commute being an hour each way...then extremely busy 8-5 work being a social person means life things are always slipping through the cracks. I don't know how people DO this!!!

I guess when I think of people I know with clean houses and lots of home cooked meals...they don't work full time. And others who exercise and such work from home or aren't as social as I am. But how is everyone else DOING this?! After errands or happy hour I don't get home until 7 or later and then am exhausted! Saturday and Sunday I refuse to get out of bed until 12 because I am so tired. Last night I went to bed at 8:30 and didn't wake up until around 10a. This is getting ridiculous.

I am guessing I need to try and find time between getting up at 5:45a for work and getting home after 7 to exercise (?!) which will help with energy...and bring back my grocery and crock pot skills?

I am mostly afraid that since I can't do this all myself, how the heck am I supposed to do it with a husband and babies someday? Unless your a stay at home momma, which I would love to be...but even then cooking and cleaning and babies AND taking care of yourself?

Being an adult is a lot of work.

Being an adult woman is a lot of work.

Hoping things get easier with a partner in crime. Taking care of myself and my boys during our holiday was pretty easy...real life is happening in a mere 6 weeks! It'd be nice to not be the only one in charge of meals and cleaning everything...thats for sure. It's all happening.



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