Monday, September 19, 2011

Another Moment.

Another "I LOVE MY LIFE!" moment as it is storming outside...I am at the packed and adorable cafe downstairs drinking amazing tea and working more (I know, workaholic) while my cleaner/cook is upstairs making the house beautiful and making us dinner.

I mean, seriously, how am I EVER supposed to come back to America after this?!

Oh. And after Friday was semi shitty and I was an emotional mess all week, the rest of the weekend was AMAZING as we went to the special Slovak wine festival all afternoon and evening on Saturday and then roomie and I had a date all Sunday shopping and loving life like old times! I got so many things I've been needing (pictures to come) on sale and in my size and stuck to the list and budget, it was a fantastic day!

Wine Festival:

Sorry if you also read my travel blog and saw these added to my personal FB, but I want to give a well rounded perspective on the AWESOMENESS that IS the burčak wine festival. Slovakia in September is the ONLY place you can get this special "young wine" that isn't completely fermented yet, so it tastes like juice! Still gets you wasted though effectively enough...

We took the train along with the rest of Bratislava to the next village called "Pezinok" and this was the church in the main square where the festival was...

Me and my co-teachers / old roomies

All of us with our first bottle!

 The little festival filled with the Slovak version of fair food...

The old O2 phone company duck that looks like he pulled the costume out of a dump was there scaring children and hitting me with his tail...

 so fun! Those are most of the teachers I work with, besides roomie and her bf on the right of course. 

mmmmm young wine...

After we got seats we didn't move the entire evening except to take turns buying another 4 euro bottle of wine...

The right one is the normal yummy Slovak red wine, and the left one is the special September Slovak young wine. Juiceeeee

Perhaps the best highlight was taking the last train back to Bratislava along with the rest of the drunk cities young people...

Standing room in between cars only! We couldn't move and I may have almost had an anxiety attack...

Walked from the train station home...or rather skipped and sang home...

I wanted to capture how lovely I felt...



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