Wednesday, November 28, 2012


The more I find out about our new place, the more I realize what a perfect home it will be for us. My Dad wanted to drive through the neighborhood over the weekend after we all had brunch. As we drove through I saw even MORE sweet things now walking distance from our place. A park with a jungle gym is literally 3 blocks down the road and up against a LAGOON. To which I realized...oh my, WE also live up against the lagoon! The picnics, walks, play dates, and adventures to be had just continue to overwhelm me with how perfect this is. Just when I think I am already so excited. So happy.

Then we drove to where the train is. It is a bit of 10+ minute walk from our new place but is next door to a new waffle truck box restaurant type of place. Something I thought almost too cool for Carlsbad until I realized...whoa, Carlsbad IS cool. So many new bars (even fancy wine and French bars!) have opened in the area and it just feels so us. Boyfriend keeps saying, "Why are we allowed to live walking distance to sushi, pizza, taco bell, and bars?! Who is allowing this?!".

I can't wait to share pictures of the new apartment as we get settled. We are going to pick out furniture for the living spaces on Tuesday and have it delivered Thursday. Our first place. All ours.

Also. He is leaving for Tupelo tonight! Finally they got his paperwork together and bought the ticket today. Gosh are they disorganized. He was supposed to leave MONDAY. Ridiculous. So tomorrow mid-morning my love will be in America. He'll have the baby so we'll know baby bear is alright too. And just 5 more sleeps now until I will be wrapped up in strong arms and kissed over and over again.

I went through 5 boxes last night! Success!

1 comment:

d ♡ said...

So excited for u to FINALLY get to enjoy cbad. Ur gonna love it!!