Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Unemployment Staycation

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Still unemployed? Going insane clawing the walls of your house? Well let me introduce a little something called HOUSE/DOG SITTING. Maybe this has already occurred to you, or maybe a little light bulb just went off in your head but house/dog sitting is a legit way to make some money that most people can not commit to. Think about it, most people have busy jobs, kids, spouses, or all three and can't do house sitting. AND then the single college students who could do it can't really be trusted because they'd drink all the booze and quite possibly set the house on fire. Enter you. Single, fabulous, lots of time on your hands, and need some extra money. Bonus if you aren't allergic to pets! 

Thank God my unemployment should be ending next week (yayyyy!), more details when I have them, but this is officially my last week of the nothingness. Luckily my amazing friends asked me to house and dog sit their gorgeous house and snuggly puppies on the hill in north LA for a few days. Not only do they pay me, but also reimburse my gas for coming up here, and leave me with a stocked bar and kitchen for me to help myself to. Which is perfect timing since my car needed a lot of work this week and left me broke. I had big plans of hitting the free museums all within half an hour of here, but with gas being what it is and parking for each being $15 I decided to have a real staycation and make the most of my few days left of freedom. 

Parts of a Staycation
-Doggies for snuggling, making sure you get a walk in everyday (outdoors! fresh air! heart rate up!) and are forced to shower afterwards. Also brush your teeth for good measure. 

-A TV show season you can get addicted to or one on Netflix Instant. As you can see I am IN IT with Battlestar Galactica. A wise choice.

-Snacks and booze. I have British treats and digestives too, score!

*Bonus* crafts, reading, a big bathtub with bath products, records, and/or a private backyard for naked sun bathing are also fun and FREE additions to your staycation. 

So start hitting up your rich friends or just friends with animals and see if they (or their other rich/animal/plant housing friends) what someone responsible and awesome to help them out. Kennels are quite expensive and kind of traumatic for dogs so everyone would rather have a sitter. Even if its just $10-$20/day, better then nothing per day!



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