Sunday, October 31, 2010

Current Obsessions: Topher & Co.

If you haven't jumped on the Etsy bandwagon yet, DO IT NOW. For one of a kind gifts (aren't you tired of giving and recieving the same old crap from Target?) that are supporting a single American craftsperson, not small children who are underpaid in China, Etsy is THE place to shop. I. am. obsessed. I have to prevent myself from going on the site because it is just so ME that I would buy almost anything and everything.

Check out this local San Diego guy, Topher & Company, who makes these AMAZING knit pieces TO ORDER! You pick the colors! I am DYING for each and everyone. They only run about $30-$40 each, but that does put a damper on my "buy every single one!" idea.

You just tell him what colors you want! Amazing!

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